PKMRS Terms and Conditions
- Only Life Members can contest for PKMRS Committee. Normal/Yearly Members will not be entitled to contest for higher post except AJK.
- After 2 years of lifetime membership, the member can contest to become a committee member. Once named, it is compulsory for the member to attend 2 years of AGM in a row.
- After 4 years of serving in PKMRS Committee, the member can contest for all post. Once elected, it is mandatory for the member to attend consecutively 4 years of AGM and committee meetings. In the case of absence is inevitable, the member must inform in writing to the committee and address it formally to 5 Trustees to obtain approval.
- Trustee selection by assisting committee.
- PKMRS Trustee is a lifetime position unless they migrate, resign or suffer total disability. If such, the Trustee can be replaced by other committee members with approval from the Trustees.
- All Trustees will be in charge of fixed deposit & Assets. Any disposal of the fund(s) should be discussed and approved at the committee meeting.
- In the occurrence of misunderstanding among committee members, the Trustees has its reserved Rights to resolve the matter and shall hold responsible for running a re-election for the committee members within 3 months whichever necessary.
PKMRS Life Membership Benefits
- Age of entry should be above 18 and below 65.
- Life membership fee is paid once, non-transferable and non-renewable.
- Life Members will receive a Membership Certificate and Card from PKMRS.
- In the incident of a demised member, the nominated beneficiary will receive a sum of RM1,000 as a death compassionate benefit (effective after 3 years of life membership).
- The aforementioned sum will be paid made to the beneficiary as per the name stated on the Life Membership Certificate of the demised member.
- The beneficiary must inform PKMRS Chairman, Secretary and Committee Member within 14 days of the incident. The beneficiary will be required to fill in a claim form and attach it to the demised member's death certificate for claim processing.
- Life members can apply financial assistant for children education with approval from the Trustee and Committee Members.